In the case where the compressor anti-surge system is not automatically activated, the parameters of the unit are adjusted so that the operating state is away from the surge region, and sufficient anti-surge space is reserved. In the process of driving, parking or adjusting, it is necessary to abide by the principle that “the boosting process first speeds up and the speed reduction process first steps downâ€. The operation is strictly in accordance with the process of adjusting the movement slowly and evenly. The equipment control gas parameters connected to the compressor must be controlled within the rated operating conditions. During the operation, the parameters of the main steam and the post-system equipment of the steam turbine must be closely observed, and adjustments should be made in advance when there is a tendency to surge. Blocking condition: If the outlet blockage condition occurs, immediately open the outlet vent valve for decompression. Low flow conditions: In low flow conditions, the anti-flying valve should be opened immediately to increase the outlet flow. Gas parameter change condition: When the gas parameter changes, the first step is to properly open the vent valve to eliminate the surge state, and then adjust the operation to recover the gas parameters. When an unexplained surge condition occurs, the post operator should first open the outlet vent valve to eliminate the surge condition, and then make an anti-surge operation based on the actual situation. customer service hotline: (Monday to Saturday 8:00-17:30) Business Consulting Line: Website technical support: (c)2005-2016 China Air Compressor Network All Rights Reserved Copyright China Air Compressor Network é²ICP备15028611å·-22 G Class Body Kit,auto body parts,car parts,Front bumper,rear bumper Guangzhou YS Auto Parts Co.,LTD , relevant information
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Analysis of treatment methods for compressor surge under different working conditions
Lugong Network Security Equipment No. 37030402000310