CNNC revealed on the 9th here that Bill Gates, chairman of the United States Microsoft and founder of Terra Energy, said in an interview with a Chinese reporter recently: "Given the scale and commitment of nuclear power development, I believe that with the Committed to the development of nuclear science and innovative technologies, China will surely become the world leader in nuclear energy. " CNNC said Terra Energy, which was started by Gates, has been researching traveling wave reactor technology and is also personally interested in China's nuclear energy market. To this end, CNNC magazine "China Nuclear Industry" magazine reporter with Gates to China to participate in the BFA Annual Conference 2013, Gates issued an interview request. Recently, Gates responded in a written interview with reporters and placed high expectations on China's nuclear energy development. As the world's richest man, Gates has always said he has three wishes. The first is to have everyone have a computer with a Windows operating system. The second is to eliminate AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria so that everyone has equal access to medical care. The third wish is to make the poor Use clean, economical power to solve the increasingly serious energy problems. In his interview, referring to his third wish in his life, Gates said he "hopes the world can produce carbon-free energy cheaper than coal." It just happens to explain his strong concern over the long-term use of nuclear energy And interest. Asked about the role of nuclear energy in modern energy development, Gates said nuclear energy has played an important role in modern energy development. The overall safety record for nuclear energy is significant compared to other energy sources. If nuclear energy can be used properly, responsibly and safely, nuclear energy can provide us with most of the basic electrical load needed for a high quality of life without any negative impact on the environment. Gates mentioned that in China people have seen that access to energy is the key to getting people out of poverty. At the same time, the world is facing an unavoidable and crucial task of reducing carbon emissions. Gates said: "Throughout my entire career, I believe in the strength of innovation, so I invested in many new energy companies to pursue this dream." He believes that nuclear energy can be "very exciting to be able to Provide a large-scale, safe, clean energy way. " Gates said China occupies 40% of the world's new power plants in the field of nuclear power. "I believe China's nuclear power project will serve as an example for responsible development of nuclear power in other countries."