In some small and medium enterprises, the production of laser cutting machine, how to create a variety of new, unique and comprehensive capabilities to provide customers with a variety of laser cutting machine which is hard to do, then the state of existing resources how to operate the laser cutting machine can cut the effect is more accurate, and better yet, Guangdong VIFA laser Technology Co. with years of production and manufacturing experience to share with you laser cutting machine good results, and I hope to be useful. 1. Water protection should always check the cleaning, the cooling water is not often red water protection or water protection float switch float switch is not reset, you can not use the method to solve the pressing short. Cooling water quality is better, faucets aluminum oxide is too severe, a period of time necessary to regularly wash pumps and pipes, water protection in the dirt, or cause or cold laser tube burst head off. 2. The laser cutting machine laser tube mounting fulcrum must be reasonable and should be the fulcrum of the entire length of the laser tube 1/4, or cause deterioration in spot mode laser tube, flare into some work for some time at several points, resulting in decreased laser power Unable to meet the requirements, resulting in constantly changing tube. 3. The focusing lens and mirror checks on the frame work for a fever, the lens surface discoloration rust; Tuomo cracking belong to the object to be replaced, especially a lot of customers with a large air pump and air compressor, so that the focus the lens quickly stagnant water, so the time required for cleaning and inspection the quality of the lens (laser light outlet pipe) optical system. 4. Suction device should be on cleaning up, the fan duct clean. Otherwise a lot of dust and smoke did not break out, severe pollution fast lenses and laser tube, so that all mechanical and electronic components easily oxidized causing a bad contact. 5. The cooling system to the ground, often washing water tanks and water, cooling water tank thermostat temperature control point to be fair, or cause the laser tube easily damaged and condensation power down, off the cold water head pipe, shortened life expectancy, and sometimes does not work cause constantly changing tube. 6. Laser cutting machine working environment can not be too bad, if the ambient temperature is above 30 degrees, 18 degrees lower than the next, too much dust, air pollution severe, so severe damage to the machine, the failure rate rising; in a wet environment the electrical accessories easily the topic. So this remind customers to improve the working environment and the machine often for maintenance. 7. Laser tube operating current to be fair, can not work long-term in light intensity 90-100; to be fair application of lasers and laser energy conservation; optical system for a clean and accurate, otherwise cause premature aging and cracking of the laser tube, the laser work time should be adjusted in intensity by 50-60%, depending on the material and then to adjust the pace of work so that the laser tube is the best working condition. 8. The electric power grid to match. Power distribution departments and the contact point of the whole equipment to be good (fan, water-cooled machine, laser machine, laser power, the computer to an independent power supply).