â‘ check valve flange and adjacent portions of the tube or without defects. As technology in good condition and well-fixed valve, check valve.
â‘¡ If repairable valve tube, threaded damage only available wire tapping and threading wire board repair.
â‘¢ even if the valve is too damaged, you should replace it.
â‘£ from the tube through the cracks inside the valve removed. When the tube wall without cracks, you can cut the export 7-8mm.
⑤ inside the tube into the new valve, embed flange hole, mounted on the bridge-shaped pad, and tighten with a wrench valve nut. Valve bridge pad should be installed, which are arranged circumferentially along the long axis of its elliptical tube, rather than horizontal; allowed to bend and bridge-shaped pad, which ends should be 30 degrees. To bridge toward the outside when the pad is mounted, the curved portion of the valve tube should be sideways toward the direction of the tube.
â‘¥ fill the wound and repair intact.
⑦ To remove or embed the valve hole and cut into subsidies intact.
⑧ When replacing the light on the car's rubber mouth tube used a knife cuts off the old valve and valve with silicon carbide wheel rubbed off on the remaining portion of the tube. Then fell over the place and the new rubber valve seat glue water, and dried.
⑨ posted on the new valve ready place, to make the valve hole precisely consistent with the tube holes and rubber edge valve seat tube to be embedded inside the cave. Rolling with a roller valve seat, and in a special vulcanization vulcanization valve with flat.