1. The laser power supply will produce high voltage, so the equipment chassis, laser power, computer power must be well grounded, poor grounding may cause equipment failure, or even shorten the life of the laser tube, while high-voltage discharge will damage the motion control system, Serious cause personal injury, it should regularly check the ground thread with or without rust or loose, timely cleaning and fastening. 2. The size of the laser current determines the laser energy, will greatly affect the processing speed and quality, excessive current can be a corresponding increase in speed but will shorten the life of the laser, too small current and difficult to guarantee the cutting speed and Quality, so set the appropriate operating current parameters, to ensure a certain working speed in the case, can be a corresponding extension of the life of the laser. 3. Please avoid working with thunder and lightning. Excessive humidity caused by laser high voltage discharge, endangering personal safety, will lead to damage to the laser power supply, so the machine should be kept clean and dry. 4. The best cooling water temperature of the laser is 25-30 ℃, the water temperature is too high. The laser output energy will drop rapidly. When it rises above 50 ℃, it will cause the laser cavity to burst. When the water temperature is too low, Ice, will also lead to luminal rupture, so the operator should always pay attention to observe the cooling water temperature. 5. To maintain the equipment, at least 5 minutes after the power cut off. The movement part of the linear guide is contaminated or rust, will directly affect the processing effect, maintenance method for the cotton dipped into a little more clear oil, gently wipe the rails on both sides and surface dirt, wipe the machine when driving X, Y , Before and after the gradual cleaning. (More expertise on laser cutting machine Please pay attention to our website: www.vifalaser.com)