Trial production by the Shanxi Fenxi Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. trial of the first megawatt-scale high temperature superconductor motor successfully completed. The project of high temperature superconducting motor was designed by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation on July 12, and Fenxi Heavy Industry was responsible for the manufacture of motor rotors, complete machine assembly and some factory monitoring tests. As the product of high technical requirements, manufacturing difficult, Fenxi Heavy Industries set up a project team conducted a number of new technologies and new technologies to ensure the smooth progress of the pilot task. High-temperature superconducting motor with good characteristics of low speed, high power ratio, high efficiency and easy maintenance, to a certain extent, represents the advanced level of the national superconducting materials application, has more advantages in the field of ship electric propulsion and ocean engineering Great promotion prospects. The trial-megawatt high temperature superconducting motor is still the first in China, will Fenxi Heavy Industries in the "second five" to build first-class motor manufacturing enterprises to lay a good foundation.