1, when the plunger valve opening and closing direction of operation, should be closed clockwise. 2, due to the pipe network in the plunger valve, often manual opening and closing, opening and closing speed should not be too much, that is, large-diameter valves should be within 200-600 turn. 3, in order to facilitate a person's opening and closing operations, the plumbing pressure conditions, the maximum opening and closing torque should be 240N-m. 4, the plunger valve opening and closing operation side should be square tenon, and size standardization, and facing the ground, so that people can directly operate from the ground. Valves with wheels are not suitable for underground pipe networks. 5, the degree of opening and closing of the display of the valve disc ①Valve opening and closing of the scale line should be cast in the gearbox cover or switch the direction of the display panel after the shell, all toward the ground, the scale brush phosphor to Indicating eye-catching; ② indicating the material of the needle plate in the management of better use of stainless steel plate, otherwise painted steel, do not use aluminum production; ③ indicating needle needle eye-catching, fixed firmly, once the opening and closing adjustment is accurate, Rivets should be locked. 6, if the plunger valve buried deeper, the operating mechanism and the display panel from the ground distance ≥ 1.5m, should be equipped with additional rod facilities, and fixed firmly, so that people from the ground to observe and operate. In other words, pipe network valve opening and closing operation, should not go down to work.