Status and Prospect of Fuel Cell Advantages

Fuel Cells Advantages Status and Prospects Advantages: From laptop computers to automobiles, to power plants, fuel cells can be used in virtually all areas, and they also have zero emission environmental advantages. Almost all fuel cells are made from the most common elemental hydrogen.

Current situation: To compete with fossil fuels, the cost per kilowatt of electricity generated by fuel cells must be less than $30. However, at present, this figure is 49 dollars. At present, there are only 60 hydrogen refueling stations throughout the country. Only 200 cars and 15 buses use this fuel. The industry leader, FuelCell Energy, lost $56.3 million in 2010 and has never been profitable.

Outlook: Even if the fuel cell becomes cheap and stable, a liquid hydrogen infrastructure network that can maintain operation will take decades to complete.

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