Taiwan researchers have prepared a new type of graphene composite materials, which can effectively reduce the LED temperature, thus greatly improving the life of the LED. Taiwan's new graphene composite material can significantly improve LED life Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are rapidly sweeping the world, are known for their high brightness, low power consumption and durability, replacing incandescent and fluorescent lamps for many applications. However, few realize that although LEDs do not radiate heat outward, they generate heat at the semiconductor connections, reducing the lifetime of LEDs, even for low-power LEDs. As people demand higher power LED lamps, how to control the temperature has become a major challenge. At present, researchers in Taiwan have developed a type of aluminum heat sink that can really replace the heavy, hard aluminum. The team claims that heatsinks made from polyamides (PA) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) can dissipate the interior of LED lights more efficiently. Using titanate coupling agent (TCA) as a bridging molecule for reducing graphene oxide and polyamide, the researchers fabricated a dense nanocomposite with a 53% improvement in thermal conductivity over the polymer alone. They tested two different component materials (one with only polyamide inside and the other a polyamide / titanate-graphene composite), applying both of these materials to LEDs and using heat Imaging and thermocouples were analyzed. Polyamide / titanate-graphene materials have a higher equilibrium temperature, which indicates that the material has a faster rate of heat transfer than the polyamide material. The researchers tested the durability of the composites and showed that the high temperature at the junctions caused the performance of the LEDs to degrade during continued use. The results show that the composite retains 95% of its light intensity while the polyamide one-component material retains only 69%. In fact, the research team has developed a thermoplastic material that is comparable in thermal performance to the more expensive graphene and can be molded using an injection molding process and the shape of the product is easy to control. The material helps to produce low cost, light weight, flexible LED heat sink, but also improve the life of the LED. The research is published in Carbon.