The current control of organic matter in wastewater treatment and control measures of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen are introduced in detail. The concentration ratio of concentrated brine membrane and the design of resin removal are discussed. The effects of evaporator and membrane concentration in brine Enrichment in the role of a detailed discussion of the application of crystalline salt resources of the process of choice. 1, the impact of organic matter on the zero-emission system (1) will cause organic pollution or biological pollution to reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membrane, resulting in frequent membrane cleaning, reducing on-line rate and greatly reducing membrane life; (2) excessive concentration of organic compounds may cause more foam in the evaporation crystallization device, Leading to the production of flying material, but the concentration of organic matter is not necessarily the most important factor causing the fly; (3) high concentrations of organic matter in the mold affect the quality of the crystalline salt. 2, organic control Commonly used organic means of control are as follows: (1) to strengthen the effect of biochemical treatment, which is the most economical means, such as adding biochemical reaction tank filling, special microorganisms, etc .; (2) select the appropriate depth of water quality treatment processes, Oxidation, Fenton, adsorption and other processes; (3) in the ultrafiltration - reverse osmosis membrane system adding non-oxidizing bactericides to improve the pH of the membrane system operation, reduce organic and microbial contamination of the membrane system; (4) Evaporation crystallization device Addition of antifoaming agent, stable operation parameters, to avoid flying material; (5) crystallizer salt out to set the elutriation device to reduce the amount of salt carrying organic matter. Here are some typical treatment processes: 2.1 powder coke (charcoal) - MBR bioreactor (PMBR) PMBR aerobic pool, activated coke and activated sludge combine to play the dual role of active coke adsorption and bio-filler, macromolecules refractory organic compounds are effectively adsorbed to extend the retention time of pollutants (PRT), the filler surface to provide better Biological growth space, thereby enhancing the aerobic tank treatment effect. The Pilot Plant Technology of Biogas Reactor for Yima Gasification Plant showed that the effluent COD of aeration tank can be reduced to 80mg / L; the process of AO (PMBR) + RO of phenol wastewater from Datang Keqi after 6 months of pilot operation , The effluent COD of PMBR is stable below 100mg / L, TN is stable at 10 ~ 20mg / L, NH4-N about 1 ~ 2mg / L, PMBR effluent SDI <3, Under the long-term stable operation, MBR uses a Kubota flat plate microfiltration membrane, anti-wear performance, active coke powder membrane fouling. PMBR also has good effect on coking wastewater, COD and ammonia nitrogen removal rate increased significantly, effluent COD <100mg / L, ammonia nitrogen <10mg / L; PMBR decolorization and removal of SS significant effect; membrane system is stable, Flux remained stable; membrane system, a long anti-washing cycle, backwash recovery completely. 2.2 active coke (charcoal) dynamic adsorption Dynamic coke powder using dynamic adsorption, to further remove COD on the backwater. Compared with the fixed bed adsorption, the active coke powder and waste water are uniformly mixed without bias or short circuit, and the activated coke adsorption capacity is maximized and the effluent quality is stable. The quantity of coke can be adjusted flexibly according to the COD load to maintain the effluent quality. After the dynamic adsorption of saturated coke after frame dehydration machine dehydration moisture content of less than 50%, can be mixed with coal to avoid secondary pollution. 2.3 advanced oxidation Coal chemical wastewater simply rely on advanced oxidation to completely decompose the COD is very difficult, it is recommended to set the advanced oxidation module after the biological filter or activated carbon biofilter to enhance the removal of organic matter. 3, the impact of ammonia and nitrate (1) RO is a highly efficient membrane concentration process with low rejection of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate and high pH operation. RO almost has no effect on the retention of ammonia nitrogen, resulting in excessive ammonia nitrogen in the effluent. (2) In the evaporation crystallization unit, almost all ammonia nitrogen Free ammonia form into distilled water, affecting the quality of distilled water; (3) the discharge of mother liquor of the mold is related to nitrate concentration. The accumulation of nitrate will have a great influence on the boiling point and evaporation of the mold solution, (4) affect the quality and reuse of crystalline salt, such as ion-exchange membrane on the ammonia content of brine has strict requirements to avoid nitrogen trichloride explosion. 4, ammonia nitrogen and nitrate control Ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen control means are as follows: (1) strengthen the role of nitrification and denitrification in the biochemical section, by adding fillers, special microbes or MBR and other means to enhance the nitrification system; (2) select the appropriate RO membrane, nitric acid Root rejection rate; (3) excessive production of ammonia can be produced by ion exchange, ammonia removal membrane further deamination, evaporative crystallizer steam can be de-ammoniated by sulfuric acid washing; (4) through the mother liquor to reduce the nitrate content of the mold. 5, concentration of concentrated brine concentrated brine concentration symbol