Vortex flowmeter installation and use requirements

Vortex flowmeter installation and use requirements

1 , a reasonable choice of installation site

Avoid strong power equipment, high-frequency equipment, strong power switch equipment ; avoid high-temperature heat sources and radiation sources, avoid strong vibration and strong corrosion environment, etc., at the same time to consider the ease of installation and maintenance.

2. There must be enough straight sections in the upstream and downstream.

If there are two 90 on the same plane upstream of the sensor mounting point . Elbow, then: upstream straight section ≥ 25D , downstream straight section ≥ 5D . If there are two 90 on different planes upstream of the sensor mounting point . Elbow, then: Upstream straight section ≥ 40D , downstream straight section ≥ 5D . The regulating valve should be installed outside the sensor at 5D downstream . If it must be installed upstream of the sensor, the upstream straight section of the sensor should not be less than 50D , and the downstream should be not less than 5D .

3 , the pipeline to take vibration reduction measures.

The sensor should not be installed on the vibrating pipeline as much as possible, especially the lateral vibration. If it is necessary to install, vibration reduction measures must be taken. Pipe fastening devices are installed at the upstream and downstream 2D of the sensor , and anti-vibration pads are added.

4. Installation on a horizontal pipeline is the most common installation method for vortex flowmeters.

When measuring gas flow, if the measured gas contains a small amount of liquid, the sensor should be installed in the higher part of the pipeline.

When measuring the liquid flow, if the measured liquid contains a small amount of gas, the sensor should be installed in the lower part of the pipeline.

The piping upstream and downstream of the installation point should be concentric with the sensor, and the coaxial deviation should not be less than 0.5DN .

5 , the sensor installed in the vertical pipe.

When measuring gas flow, the sensor can be mounted on a vertical pipe with unlimited flow. If the gas to be measured contains a small amount of liquid, the gas flow should be directed upwards. When measuring the liquid flow, the liquid flow direction should be from bottom to top: this will not add extra liquid weight to the probe.

6 , pressure measurement point and temperature measurement point selection.

According to the need of measurement, when the pressure and temperature need to be measured near the sensor, the pressure measurement point should be at 3-5D downstream of the sensor , and the temperature measurement point should be 6-8D downstream of the sensor.

7. The sensor is installed on the side of the horizontal pipeline.

No matter what kind of fluid is measured, the sensor can be installed on the side of horizontal pipes, especially superheated steam, saturated steam and cryogenic liquids. If conditions permit, it is better to use side-loading, so that the temperature of the fluid has little effect on the amplifier.

8 , the sensor in the horizontal pipe flip.

This installation method is not recommended under normal circumstances. This installation method is not suitable for measuring general gases and superheated steam. It can be used to measure saturated steam and is suitable for measuring high-temperature liquids or situations where pipelines need to be cleaned regularly. When measuring high-temperature steam, the insulation should not exceed a third of the height of the stand.

The above is the contents of the Xiaobian vortex flowmeter

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