Analysis of Causes of Unstable Humidity in Artificial Climate Boxes

Artificial climate box is a kind of environmental equipment with temperature and humidity control, which can simulate artificial environment. It is a very important environmental equipment in many experiments. Humidity is one of the regulation items of the artificial climate box. Generally speaking, according to the requirements of the experiment, the artificial climate box needs to be able to set different humidity, which requires that it needs to have a certain range of humidity control, including the artificial production of Top Cloud Yunnong. The humidity control range of the climate chamber is between 50 and 95% RH, and the humidity fluctuation is within ±5%RH. Such a humidity range can basically meet the needs of most environmental test jobs.

Artificial climate box

However, due to the large number of brands of artificial climate chambers currently on the market, there are large gaps in the technologies and materials used, which results in large differences in quality. Therefore, some artificial climate chambers will inevitably cause problems after long-term use. Artificial climate box humidity can not rise, just bought it can be up to 90%, but with use will find that artificial climate box no matter how to adjust the humidity can only rise to 70%, if such a problem, for the laboratory Operators are more annoyed, so it is necessary to analyze the reasons why the humidity in artificial climate cabinets cannot be upgraded, so that operators can check and deal with such situations.
First of all, artificial climate chambers can humidify and maintain a constant humidity environment in the cabinet, mainly relying on humidification pumps. In general, humidifiers have different qualities and their service lives are not the same, and the long-term use of humidification pumps may result in The power is not enough. At this time, it needs to be checked. If it is a humidification pump, it can be replaced in addition to the problem. In addition, the plugging of the pipeline will also cause the humidity of the artificial climate box to not rise. If the first step eliminates the problem of the humidification pump, it can be checked at this time whether the connecting pipeline is blocked. If so, do a clean run. However, if these two conditions are eliminated and the humidity of the artificial climate box is still not uplifted, it may be a malfunction of the equipment. At this time, we must contact a professional technician to deal with it. We must not open it for maintenance in order to avoid danger.

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