(A) metal deposits classified The ore body shape thickness and inclination angle of metal deposits have a direct impact on the choice of mineral deposits and mining methods. Therefore, the classification of metal deposits is generally classified according to three factors: the inclination and thickness of the ore body shape. (The three elements are customarily called the three elements of the ore body). 1) Layered ore bodies - this ore body is layer by layer. Many origins from sedimentary or metamorphic sedimentary deposits. The characteristics are as follows: 1 The grade of the layered deposit has little change in inclination and thickness and is relatively stable. 2 The size of the deposit is relatively large. 3 More common in ferrous metal deposits. (more common in mining) 2) vein ore body Such deposits are mainly deposits formed by filling minerals in the fissures of the earth's crust due to hydrothermal and gasification. The characteristics are: 1 There is alteration at the contact between the vein and the surrounding rock. 2 The deposit conditions are unstable; 3 The content of useful ingredients is not uniform; (the grade changes greatly). (Non-ferrous metals, rare metals and precious metal sulfur deposits are mostly such). 3) Block deposit Such deposits are mainly formed by filling, contact with high generation separation and oxidation. Features: 1 The shape is very irregular. Irregular lenticular shape, ore shape; 2 The size of the ore body is different; 3 The boundary between the ore body and the surrounding rock is not obvious; Certain metal deposits ( copper , lead , zinc, etc.) are of this type. Our Nanjing Meishan iron ore deposits also fall into this category. (2) Classification by ore body and thickness 1) The concept of ore body thickness: The ore body thickness refers to the vertical or horizontal distance between the upper and lower plates of the ore body. The former is called the true thickness of the ore body, and the latter is called the horizontal thickness of the ore body. B——for vertical thickness; a——for horizontal thickness; φ——a angle between a and b; α——orbore inclination; For steeply inclined ore bodies, horizontal thicknesses are commonly used. For gently inclined ore bodies, vertical thicknesses are often used for horizontal or inclined ore bodies. (That is the true thickness. If not stated in the text, it generally refers to the true thickness). 2) Classification: can be divided into five categories 1 very thin vein The thickness of the ore body is below 0.8 meters. (One shoulder width) A part of the surrounding rock should be taken during mining to ensure normal working width. (Method of mining with shallow hole rock) 2 thin veins The thickness of the ore body is between 0.8 and 4.0 meters. Considering the approximate level of deposits, the support height when using wood support should not exceed 4 meters, more than 4 meters, and the support operation is very difficult. 3 medium thick ore body The thickness of the ore body is between 4.0 and 10 meters. Generally, at this time, the nuggets are not arranged high, and shallow holes are used for recovery. 4 thick ore body The thickness of the ore body is 10 - 30 meters. (At this time, 30 meters is the boundary between the use of the non-oriented arrangement and the vertical orientation of the ore block, and the ore body can also be arranged along the strike.) Generally use deep hole recovery. 5 extremely thick ore body The thickness of the ore body is above 30 meters. Use deep hole recovery. The nuggets can be arranged vertically. 3) Arrangement of nuggets 1 The arrangement of the nuggets along the strike 2 The vertical run of the nuggets 3 The nuggets are arranged vertically and chiseled toward the pillars. Why do you want to arrange vertically? Mainly: 1 subject to the allowable exposure area limit; 2 limited by the equipment of the rock drilling equipment to transport the ore. (3) Classification according to the dip angle of the ore body (related to the mode of ore transportation) 1) Horizontal ore body The ore body has an inclination of less than 5° (including slightly inclined ore bodies). You can use the rail or trackless transport equipment to directly enter the mining area to transport the ore. 2) gently inclined ore body The inclination of the ore body is between 5° and 30°. The ore can be transported by mechanical means such as manpower or electricity, transport machines and the like. 3) inclined ore body The ore body inclination angle is between 30° and 55°. The ore can be transported by weight by means of a chute, a slide or an external force. 4) steeply inclined ore body The inclination of the ore body should be greater than 55°. The gravity transfer method of ore weight can be utilized. [Note] The above classification methods are relative. With the development of other trackless mechanical equipment, the classification boundary will change. (2) Characteristics of metal deposits (1) The deposit conditions are unstable; (2) The ore grade changes greatly; (3) The geological structure is complex; (4) The hardness of ore and surrounding rock is relatively large; (5) the water content of the deposit; Near-field Thermal Conductive Material Near-field Flexible Absorbing Materials,Near-field Flexible Absorbing Material,Near Field Flexible Absorbing Material Zhejiang Yuanbang Material Technology Co., LTD , https://www.yoboemiemc.com (1) Classification by ore body shape