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The leaf is the main organ for photosynthesis of plants. The number and size of leaves are important indicators for studying plant growth status, nutritional status in vivo, genetic breeding, crop cultivation techniques, etc., establishing a convenient, rapid and accurate leaf area determination method for the adjustment It is of great significance for the population structure to make full use of light and heat sources to guide the planting density and rational fertilization to obtain high yields of plants. At present, methods to determine the leaf area of ​​plants include checkered method, paper weighing method, planimeter method, regression equation method, and Simpson formula. However, the most widely used method is the leaf area. The scanner measures the method.
Because of the numerous methods for measuring the condition of hawthorn foliage, the grid count method and the paper weighing method are cumbersome, time consuming and error-prone. The digital image processing method is more accurate and can be used for batch measurement of leaf areas of different plants. However, the requirements of the surveyor are higher; the regression equation method can be measured in vivo, with high speed, and is suitable for measuring the leaf area of ​​a large number of plants of the same species; the leaf area scanner measurement is quick and simple and can be measured in vivo. In addition to the regression equation method and Digital image processing leaf area scanner living area instrument does not require in vitro measurements, other methods require that the body measurements have some damage in vitro measurements. Select the measurement method should be comprehensive consideration of error, accuracy, measurement time, work The efficiency, the damage to the plant and other factors, the method of leaf area measurement by scanning live leaf area meter is more appropriate.
Leaf area scanners for measurement of hawthorn leaf area
Leaf area scanners are instruments that are specifically designed to perform foliar scans and measurements. It is of great significance to study how plants absorb and utilize nutrients. Hawthorn is a temperate tree species and is widely cultivated because of its valuable medicinal properties. In order to improve the quality of hawthorn cultivation, the researchers carried out various research and analysis on it, among which the analysis of leaves was mostly.