A hematite iron ore beneficiation plant process Anshan formula hematite quartzite, magnetite-based oxide is a transition hematite product. Metallic minerals are mainly hematite, magnetite, and a little limonite, hematite, pyrite. The gangue mineral is mainly quartz and contains a small amount of amphibole, chlorite, calcite and the like. This is actually a mixed mineral ore mining magnetic - reconnection election, device priority with weak magnetic minerals selected --- ferromagnetic magnetite, followed by gravity separation hematite and gangue Separate, the process flow is shown in the figure. The ore dressing index obtained by this process is: when the ore grade is 29.71% Fe, the concentrate grade is 65.10% Fe, and the recovery rate is 71.00% Fe. Extrusion Conical Twin Screw Barrel,Extrusion Conical Twin Screw Barrels,Extrusion Conical Twin Screw and Barrels ZHEJIANG BOHAI MACHINERY CO., LTD , https://www.bohai-screw.com
An iron ore (fine grain) magnetic-re-election process