Study on Energy Gain of Cylindrical Heat Absorber Vacuum Tube Collector on South Facade of Building

Study on Energy Gain of Cylindrical Heat Absorber Vacuum Tube Collector on South Facade of Building
Core Tip: The installation of solar collectors on the south facade and roof (flat roofs and pitched roofs) of buildings is one of the ways in which solar installations are integrated with buildings. Studying the energy gains of solar collectors on the south facade of a building is of great significance for building design, collector design, and predicting the energy that collectors can collect.

The installation of solar collectors on the south facade and roof (flat roofs and pitched roofs) of buildings is one of the ways that solar installations are integrated with buildings. Studying the energy gain of solar collectors on the south facade of a building is of great significance for building design, collector design, and predicting the energy that collectors can collect.

The concept of solar irradiation intensity and energy gain factor gives the measurement results of the relative solar irradiation intensity at a certain point on a cylindrical heat absorption plate. The energy gains of three different types of endothermic surfaces in a vacuum tube with a single north-south axis and an east-west axis were studied. The relationship between the center distance of the vacuum tube collector tube and the energy gain of the cylindrical and cylindrical heat-absorbing surface placed in the north-south direction was studied. The energy benefits of a single vacuum tube on the south facade were studied.

In this paper, the relation between the center distance and the energy yield of the cylindrical heat-absorbing surface vacuum tube collector on the south facade of the building is described. That is to say, the single-tube vacuum collector tube with a cylindrical endothermic surface is under certain conditions. The effects of energy interception on the mutual benefits of energy harvesting, annual energy gain, and collector vacuum tubes consisting of vacuum tubes are investigated.

In this paper, the relationship between the daily and annual energy gain under a certain condition and the relationship between the center distance of the collector tube and the energy gain of a vacuum tube collector with a diameter of 100 nm in a cylindrical tube with a heat-absorbing coating in a glass tube is performed. A small heat absorber can be considered to have almost the same intensity of solar radiation.

Although part of the light passes through the inner wall of the glass tube and is no longer parallel to the incident light, it is assumed that the sun light does not change its direction after passing through the glass cover tube in order not to make the calculation too complicated.

For comparison, the axes of the vacuum tubes in the vacuum tube collectors are parallel to each other and on the same incline. The axis of the vacuum heat collection tube is the setting direction, and the normal direction of the slope is the same as the normal direction of the heat collector. Regardless of the collector vacuum edge conditions. From the definition and assumptions, the energy gain factor of a single cylindrical heat absorber vacuum tube can be calculated.

This article uses the coordinate system and the defined angles that describe the positional relationship of the sun with respect to the inclined plane. Based on the definition and assumptions, the energy return factor of a single vacuum tube and a vacuum tube collector can be calculated. In the text, D is the diameter of the glass tube of vacuum heat collection tube.

In order to use a unified method for calculation and comparison work, the sunny radiation model proposed by Jordan is used in this paper. 171. In sunny days, direct radiation has the greatest impact on the energy gain of collector pipes of different installation methods; if it is cloudy, it is due to the sky. The diffuse radiation is isotropic. At this time, the diffuse radiation has little effect on the energy gain of the collector tube of different installation methods.

Wide applicability of the model, low and out of the wet areas are in good agreement, but high and dry out of the region, its value is usually 10 to 2% higher. In this paper, the North out of 90 * 40 tilt toward the positive The relationship between the tube center distance of solar collectors and the annual changes in the daily energy yield is studied. Only the energy gain of the direct radiation is considered in the calculation, and only when the light enters the angle 0*, does it begin to accumulate heat.

The energy gain per unit length of vacuum collector tube at a certain time of the day is: The energy gain per unit length of the vacuum collector tube is: * The time angle, which is the condition for satisfying the solar ray incident angle 0* during sunrise and sunset The integral of the hour angle.

The annual energy gain per unit length vacuum collector tube is the sum of daily energy returns for the whole year.

Day 2 results and discussion ( "= 173) equinox day (" south facade facing different vertical transverse center of the tube collector located away from the collector of 90 * 40 * angle unit time and unit placed south The instantaneous energy gain of the length vacuum tube is the daily energy yield and its ratio of the single vacuum tube when the tube center distance is infinity and 2.0 D. See Table 1 and Table 2 Table 1 Latitude 40° N 4 Energy gain and daily energy gain The ratio (unobstructed) energy gain / 106". M-1 spring equinox summer solstice autumn winter solstice south facade horizontal tube south elevation tube vertical tube south elevation transverse tube south elevation pipe vertical tube can be seen from Table 1 When the distance between the center of the collector tube is infinite, the daily energy gains of the horizontal and vertical collector pipes on the 4th and the south are different. The horizontal pipe on the south elevation has the largest spring equinox day and the smallest winter solstice day. The spring equinox is higher than the winter solstice day. About 1.2 times higher, and the vertical pipe is the largest in the spring equinox and the summer solstice is the smallest, and the equinox is about 2.4 times higher than the summer solstice.

The energy gains of the two vertical and winter solstice pipes on the south facade are basically equal to those of the horizontal pipe. On the summer solstice day, there is a large difference in energy yields. The energy gains of the pipe erected on the summer solstice day are obviously low, while the energy gain of the horizontal pipe on the south facade is 1.9 times that of the vertical pipe.

Table 2 Ratio of energy return and daily energy return at 40° N. latitude on the 40th (2.0D energy return/106). M-1 Equinox spring summer solstice autumn winter solstice south facade horizontal pipe south elevation pipe vertical pipe south elevation transverse pipe south elevation pipe vertical tube can be seen from Table 2, at the collector tube center distance is 2. 0D On the 4th, the daily energy gains of the horizontal and vertical collectors in the south-central façade differed. The horizontal collector tube collector on the south facade had the largest spring equinox day and the smallest summer solstice day. The equinox day was about 2.6 times higher than the summer solstice day. The vertical tube collector was the largest on the vernal equinox day and the smallest on the summer solstice. The equinox was about 3.7 times higher than the summer solstice.

The energy gains of the two elevations and the winter solstice of the vertical riser and the horizontal tube collector in the south elevation are basically the same, and there is a big difference in the energy return during the summer solstice. The energy gain of the vertical tube collector on the summer solstice day is obviously too low, and the south facade 1 picture! 202 gives the fractional day (80) toe lateral heat gain of kiln is 14 times that of vertical pipe It can be seen that due to the influence of adjacent vacuum tube blockage, the vacuum tube collection in the collector of different tube center distance The instantaneous energy gain is different. The influence of the vertical eclipse of the south vertical facade is mainly caused by the absence of shelter at the noon during the day when there is no sun on the day of sunrise, and the long time of impact from the center of the pipe to the hour. The influence of tube center distance on the energy yield in the summer solstice day of the south facade is not obvious because the total energy yield is relatively low. The effect of center distance between the tubes in the spring and autumn on the energy yield is significant, and the distance between the tube center and the center in winter is of the energy return. The impact is not significant, mainly due to the small change in the solar azimuth in winter.

The influence of adjacent vacuum tube shielding on the two-day and winter solstice of the southern facade horizontal collector has little effect on energy yield. Obstruction effect mainly occurs when the solar altitude angle at the midday is relatively large. The effect of summer distance on the solar summer solstice day in summer is particularly obvious. The distance between the center of the large collector tube is an effective measure for the summer large energy gain.

On the vernal equinox day, summer solstice day, equinox day, and winter solstice day-to-date facade, the collector is unitized in time. The instantaneous energy gain of the vacuum collector tube is the distance between the center of zinc and the center distance of i/D b. The transverse south face is erected and tapped. when the length of the vacuum unit 24 is changed from the center of the tube with the energy output is given and the south facade facing transverse vertical collector 40 degrees off center distance * changes, it can be seen placed in the transverse collector summer The energy gain per unit day in the vacuum tube 1a of unit length has significant effect on increasing the energy yield with the center distance of the large tube in the tube, but the effect of the vertical collector is not obvious. South Facade Transverse Collector Summer Energy Gathering Clear Collector Equilibrium

Substantially vertical set higher than the collector, and the annual energy yield of each quarter over the vertical position (in the direction indicated by the arrow, corresponding to the respective curve L are L = 1.0D1.2D 1.5D2.0D2.5D South Li Surface elevation (a) and transverse (b) collectors are placed at a latitude of 40°. The unit-length vacuum tube daily energy gain varies with the center distance of the tube and gives the south facade vertical and horizontal collectors. The energy gain varies with the center distance of the tube, and it can be seen that the annual energy gain of the transverse collector of the south facade is higher than that of the vertical collector at the same tube center distance.

The distance between the center of the tube and the collector of the cylindrical heat-absorber vacuum tube has a great influence. In all cases, the annual energy gain increases with the center distance of the tube. For the south vertical collector, when the spacing is greater than 2.0D, the annual energy gain varies greatly with the distance between the pipes, and the center distance between the pipes is not practical. For the south face, the center distance of the large collectors of the horizontal collectors is an effective measure for the large energy gain in summer. When the distance is greater than 2.5D, the annual energy gain varies greatly with the distance between the tubes, and the distance from the center of the tube is not significant. Practical significance.

When the center distance of the vertical collector of the south facade is equal to 2.0D, 90% of the annual energy gain can be obtained when the center distance of the pipe is 5.0D, while the horizontal collector of the south facade is equal to 2. Only 87% of the annual energy gain can be obtained when the tube center distance is infinite, and when the tube center distance is equal to 2.5D, only 92% of the annual energy gain can be obtained when the tube center distance is 5.0D. Table 3 shows the vertical elevation of the south facade. Sets and taps the amount of annual energy gain from the center of the collector tube from 1.2D to 1.5D, 2.0D, and 2.5D. It can be seen that when the tube center distance is from 1.2D to 2.5D, the annual energy gain of the south facade vertical collector tube can increase by about 22.3%. The annual energy gain of the south facade horizontal collector tube can be increased by about 29.4. %. Table 3 Incremental Energy Gains in Annual Energy Gains for Increased Central Distance of South Façade Vertical and Horizontal Collector Tubes. South Façade erected. South Façade. Lateral increase/1J, m-1 increase %3 Conclusion The concept of relative solar radiation intensity and energy benefit factor at each point on the hot body, and the calculation model of vacuum tube daily energy gain established on this basis, provide a new way for studying the thermal performance of vacuum collector tubes, enabling in-depth quantitative analysis of vacuum tubes. thermal performance possible; the summer facade collector energy output significantly lower in summer transverse tube collectors from the center of the south facade energy yield only 40% while the vertical collector set two points for the day when 2.0D The energy gain of the device is only 28% of the two-day period. The horizontal collector is superior to the vertical collector. In the case of no shelter, the south facade transverse pipe has an annual energy gain of 7% more than the vertical pipe. Especially in the summer, At the summer solstice on the south facade, the horizontal tube has twice the annual energy gain than the vertical tube. In the south elevation, it is not appropriate to use vertical tubes. The energy gain from the installation of the south facade of the flat-plate solar collector in the summer will be even smaller. The transverse tube on the south facade is the first choice; the energy gain of the south facade collector in summer is obvious. In low summer solstice day, the center distance of the tube has a significant effect on the energy yield, but the center distance of the tube in winter has little effect on the energy return; the center distance of the tube is significant for the summer energy gain of the horizontal collector, and it is significant for the vertical heat collection. is not obvious; south facade when the set vertical vacuum tube collector tube center distance equal to 2.0D, while the collector tube transverse center distance equal to 2.5D, can be obtained from the control center 5. * time to 90 energy yield % and 92%; The conclusion of this paper is to provide the design basis for determining the best performance-cost ratio of the south facade vacuum tube collector in different regions and different usage requirements.... Solar Energy, Li Wei, Ge Hongchuan, Ma Yiqing. A Study on the Energy Gains of Heat Absorbers of Different Shapes in an Axial Transversely Positioned Vacuum Collector Tube . Journal of Solar Energy, 2004 Duffy JA Beckman WA, Ge Xinshi et al. Solar-thermal energy conversion process Li Shensheng. Solar physics. Beijing: Capital Normal University

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